By now you've probably seen the videos on YouTube or Facebook of some millenial snowflake Starbucks barista having a meltdown about having to make a Unicorn Frappuccino. "It's just so damn complicated to make!" some of them have ranted. "And the customers, they just keep coming!" Or, in the words of Braden Burson, the barista from Colorado whose video has gone viral: "If you love us as baristas, don't order it. It is sooo difficult to make, and people were coming in left and right, drive thru and in the front!" Obviously, young teat-sucklers like Braden are in dire need of a valuable lesson about life. You see, life is a lot like making a Unicorn Frappuccino-- it's not supposed to be easy. Sadly, today's young Americans would much rather retreat into their gender-neutral "safe spaces" than develop anything that closely resembles a work ethic. If you're a millenial barista working at Starbucks to put yourself thro...
Once again, high school football is under attack by lame-brained, limp-wristed, lily-livered pantywaists who believe that anyone who straps on a jock is taking the first irrevocable step toward an inevitable, premature departure from this mudball called Earth. The latest anti-jock rhetoric comes in the wake of the death of New Jersey high school senior quarterback Evan Murray, a tragedy that followed the deaths of two other high school athletes in recent weeks, Ben Hamm from Oklahoma, and Tyrell Cameron from Louisiana. With three kids gone to meet their maker in as many weeks, it's only natural that over-protective parents throw a hissy hit over the glorious American institution that is high school football. However, this anti-jock fervor is nothing more than contemporary culture's latest attempt to neuter the American male-- a project that has been going on for decades, as part of the left-wing agenda to transform red-blooded American boys into sniveling wimps who would ...