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Ladies: Are You White Trash? (Quiz)

If women's magazines have taught me anything, it's that women love taking quizzes. Unfortunately, most of these quizzes and surveys fail to tell you anything about yourself that you don't already know. This quiz, on the other hand, will determine whether or not you are white trash. Have fun!

1. How many tattoos do you have?

a) 0

b) Just one tiny one

c) 2-4

d) 5 or more

2. From the following list, choose your favorite fashion brand:

a) Versace

b) Abercrombie and Fitch

c) Ed Hardy/ Christian Audigier

d) I don't give a hoot about brand names

3. You just received a 100.00 gift certificate to your local mall. Which store do you visit first?

a) Borders, Barnes and Noble, other bookstore

b) Hollister

c) Bath and Body Works

d) Hot Topic

4. From the following list, which band would you most prefer to listen to?
a) Beatles

b) Green Day

c) Nickelback

d) Bon Jovi

5. It's girls night out, where do you and your friends go first?

a) to the movies

b) to a nice restaurant

c) to a bar or club for a few drinks

d) shopping

6. You come home from work and your husband or boyfriend is watching television. Which would he most likely be watching?


b) Family Guy

c) Ultimate Fighting Championships (UFC)

d) History Channel

7. You decide to get a pet. Which would you be most inclined to choose?

a) cat

b) small dog (chihuahua, toy poodle, cocker spaniel, etc.)

c) large dog (mastiff, rottweiler, retriever, etc.)

d) snake, lizard, or other reptile

8. You're redecorating your home and need to pick up a few home decor items. Which store would you most likely stop at first?

a) Target

b) TJ Maxx, Marshalls, etc.

c) WalMart

d) Pier One

9. How many books have you read in the past 12 months?
a) 4 or more

b) 1-3

c) 0

d) I prefer magazines

10. It's date night and your significant other wants to go out to eat. Unfortunately, there are only four restaurants in town. From the following list, which restaurant are you most likely to agree on?

a) Olive Garden

b) Applebee's

c) Hooter's

d) Red Lobster

11. How many items have you purchased from eBay in the past 2 years?
a) 1-2

b) 3-4

c) 5 or more

d) 0

12. Which of the following best describes your taste in men?

a) I like a man who wears a suit and tie to work

b) I prefer the active and athletic type

c) I love a man in uniform (military, police, firefighter, etc.)

d) I like bad boys

13. You're snowed in and can't leave the house. There are only four channels on your TV, each one playing a different movie. Which movie do you choose?
a) Meet the Parents

b) 40 year Old Virgin

c) The Fast and the Furious

d) Titanic

14. Which category closest matches your highest level of education?

a) college, 4 years

b) college, 2 years

c) high school or GED

d) still a student

15. You just found out that you are pregnant with a boy. From the following list of names, which one do you find most appealing?

a) Jonathan

b) James

c) Jaden

d) Joshua

Based upon your answers, calculate your score by using the following key:

1. A-0, B-2, C-5, D-2

2. A-0, B-1, C-5, D-2

3. A-0, B-2, C-5, D-3

4. A-0, B-1, C-5, D-3

5. A-0, B-1, C-5, D-0

6. A-1, B-2. C-5, D-0

7. A-0, B-1, C-5, D-2

8. A-1, B-2, C-5, D-0

9. A-0, B-1, C-5, D-0

10. A-0, B-2, C-5, D-1

11. A-1, B-2, C-5, D-0

12. A-0, B-1, C-5, D-3

13. A-1, B-2, C-5, D-0

14. A-0, B-2, C-5, D-0

15. A-0, B-0, C-5, D-2


The Results:

0-15 points: You are one classy lady.

16-39 points: A little rough around the edges, but mostly a good catch.

40-55 points: You are one jello shot away from being white trash.

56-75 points: You are the Queen of White Trash! Display your tramp stamp proudly as you push your shopping cart down the aisles of Walmart picking up Cheetohs for your unemployed common-law husband and your four unplanned children!


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