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Todd Akin Was Right All Along

This week, Missouri Republican Todd Akin drew ire from liberals and conservatives alike as a result of a comment he made in a recent interview, in which he stated that pregnancy from rape is "really rare".  Akin added: "If it's a legitimate rape, the female body has ways to try to shut that whole thing down."  Naturally, all heck broke loose and many prominent GOPers are calling for Akin to withdraw from the Missouri Senate race.  Even those pesky Tea Baggers are insisting that Akin went too far.

Akin's comments have set the Twittersphere afire, arousing the vitriol of every vaginocentric liberal from Maine to Alaska.  Laura Helmuth, of, stated that Akin's worldview is "sexist, blame-shifting, and profoundly ignorant".  Gloria Allred called Akin "a national disgrace".  Nicole Belle, the celebrated GOP-bashing femi-Nazi blogger, proclaimed: "WTF???? I really am beginning to feel strongly that men who have not a single clue on the reproductive system of women have absolutely no right to opine on it, much less legislate."  She then called Akin a "troglodyte", which is a pretty big word for someone like Belle, who tends to write with all of the eloquence of a lobotomized garden slug.

If those who lack basic knowledge of science have no right to opine, then folks like Allred, Helmuth, and Belle should have had their jaws wired shut and their laptops taken away years ago.  While liberal nutcases like to whine incessantly about the Republican "War on Women", Gus Muldoon would like to wage a war against stupidity.  Yes, that's right, folks.  Believe it or not, Todd Akin was absolutely correct.  Akin should not apologize for his remarks.  Nor should he withdraw from the Senate race in Missouri.  Todd Akin doesn't deserve to be insulted, but heralded as a leader of coherent and rational thought, and here's why.

Akin stated that pregnancy from rape is extremely rare.  Even though liberals immediately labeled Akin as a moron, the facts seem to support his assertion.  For instance, RAINN (a leading anti-sexual violence organization) has stated that medical reports show that less than 5% of all unprotected, one-time sexual encounters result in pregnancy.  If rape isn't an "unprotected, one-time sexual encounter", then I'm not sure what is!  And if five percent isn't "extremely rare", then what is?  Four percent? Three percent? 

Now let's examine that statement about the female body having the ability to prevent pregnancy stemming from rape. 

Many experts will tell you that being the victim of rape is one of the most psychologically stressful events a human being can endure.  If you agree with that statement, then you should also agree with Todd Akin.  According to the pregnancy website Conceive Online:

"Studies have found that women who experience certain types of stresses in their personal lives or related to their fertility are less likely to get pregnant or carry a pregnancy to term. They also take longer to conceive compared with their less distressed counterparts."

Jacky Boivin, Ph.D., of the School of Psychology at Cardiff University in Wales, has studied the effects of stress on pregnancy for over a decade.  Dr. Boivin states: "From animal work we can say conclusively that stress applied during various parts of the menstrual cycle suppresses or inhibits conception."  Hmm, I guess Nicole Belle should probably tell this uneducated troglodyte to shut her yapper. 

Maybe if these feminist crap-spewers spent more time researching statistical evidence they might be inclined to change their tune.  Wait, who am I kidding?  We all know that liberals can't be swayed by things like "facts" and "figures".  Only in the bizarre vaginocentric universe populated by leftist mental defectives would Todd Akin be labeled as a "national disgrace" for merely stating a fact which science has supported for years.

I mean, who doesn't know that the ovulation is triggered when the hypothalamus secretes gonadotropin-releasing hormone, which in turn signals the pituitary gland to release luteinizing hormone and follicle-stimulating hormone, and that under periods of severe emotional distress, the hypothalamus secretes corticotropin-releasing hormone which blocks the gonadotropin-releasing hormone signal to the pituitary gland, thereby reducing luteinizing hormone and follicle-stimulating hormone? I mean WTF? For real? You feminists didn't know that?  And here I thought you were all experts qualified to opine on matters of female reproduction.  Nope.  Guess you're just a bunch of morons who would rather try to convince the populace that Republicans have a secret agenda to oppress women. 

But don't take my word for it.  Let's hear what another profoundly ignorant troglodyte has to say about the matter.  Sherman Silber, M.D., who is the director of The Infertility Center of St. Louis at St. Luke’s Hospital, claims that stress "can increase the frequency of uterine contractions, which may interfere with implantation."  I guess Dr. Silber is also part of the secret war against women!

As I have pointed out, just the fact that you were born with a vagina does not qualify you to be an expert on female reproductive health, and having an uninformed opinion and access to a computer doesn't qualify you to be a political commentator.  But, on the other hand, if you do happen to possess a vagina, a computer, uninformed opinions and the writing skills of a tranquilized baboon, you just may be qualified to be a liberal feminist blogger.  Just look at Nicole Belle.


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