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Lauryn Hill gets 3 months in jail (or, one month for every brain cell)

Famed racist, pot-head, and singer Lauryn Hill was sentenced to three months in jail earlier today by a federal judge, for failing to pay around $1 million in taxes.  In addition to being locked up, Lauryn Over-the-Hill must pay a $60,000 fine.

My opinion?  Ms. Over-the-Hill got off pretty darn easy.  If it were up to me, I would've thrown the book at her and given her the maximum sentence of three years.

The reason why Lauryn Hill should've gotten the maximum sentence has less to so with her attempt to swindle ol' Uncle Sammy, and more to do with the fact that she's a blithering idiot.  Yes, the former Fugees singer has a great deal in common with a beer bottle- they're both empty from the neck up.

Take her defense argument, for instance.  Ms. Over-the-Hill stated, "I am a child of former slaves who had a system imposed on them. I had an economic system imposed on me."

Since when does being the child of a slave give you permission to cheat the government out of its fair share of your earnings?  My Irish ancestors survived the Great Potato Famine, yet you don't see me trying to get away with cheating the government.  You don't hear my Italian wife complaining either.  For crying out loud, her family back in the Old Country were bombed by American planes during World War II!  In spite of this fact, she still pays Uncle Sam on tax day, like any good red-blooded American citizen would.

Which leads me to the point-- Lauryn Over-the-Hill should be serving out her sentence at a prison camp in Guantanamo Bay for being a traitor.

You see, black folks had to bust their asses and work pretty damn hard to overcome oppression and racial injustice.  They faced lynch mobs and fire hoses, fighting for their rights so that they would be treated exactly the same way as white folks.  And, correct me if I'm wrong, but full-fledged first-class citizenship in the USA not only gives you the right to vote and the right of free speech- it also requires you to suck it up and deal with the inconvenience of paying taxes. 

In other words, the tribulations faced by your ancestors does not give you a free pass to be a criminal.

Ms. Hill made a blatant attempt to swindle the government and instead of "manning up" and taking responsibility for her actions, she decided to play the race card and somehow try to pin the blame not on herself, but on us "evil whities". 

So, if you're reading this, Ms. Over-the-Hill, I'd like to take this opportunity to say that you are a disgrace to your own race, my race, and every other race in the good ol' U.S. of A.  Your ancestors suffered a great deal just so you could have the right to get rich by ripping off a Roberta Flack classic.  The least you could do to honor their memory is to be a good little American citizen and pay your damn taxes, just like the rest of us.  Using your ancestors as pawns in your shady scheme to be a lazy tax cheat is beyond deplorable. 

Ms. Over-the Hill, you may be a washed-up musician, but you're very much like an unemployed schoolteacher- You have no class!



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