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Sorry, rednecks, it's time to take your guns away

I've never been one to support government interference in our lives, but after today's school shooting in Connecticut, just days after a mall shooting in Oregon which left two people dead, I've come to the conclusion that America needs a nationwide ban on guns.  And I don't mean just assault rifles, I mean every gun. Period.

I believe that society, as a whole, has demonstrated time and time again that we are simply too stupid to be granted the right of gun ownership.  And I'm not talking about gun violence perpetrated by those using illegal guns, but mass shootings which came about as the result of some disturbed individual using firearms that were legally purchased.  While this may ruffle the feathers of you NRA-loving right-wingers, the bottom line is that we cannot as a society bear the loss of more innocent lives just because some hillbilly couldn't figure out how to lock up his gun collection.  That's right, folks- while the Constitution may grant you the right to bear arms, somewhere along the line, the right of a child to go through life without being shot supersedes your right to kill Bambi.  If you want to hunt, then use a bow an arrow, Cletus.

Take today's tragedy, for example.  Several guns were used in the massacre, and all of the guns were registered to the shooter's mother.  This begs the question, just how many damn guns does one person need?  If you argue that you need a gun to defend your home and your property, then what is the argument for owning enough firepower to send 28 people to their maker?  What in the name of sweet baby Jesus are you "preparing" for?  The zombie apocalypse?  No, the answer is that hillbillies like to collect guns just as they like to collect Nascar memorabilia.  One gun is for self-defense; a collection of guns is for indulging in some kind of twisted white trash fetish.

Yes, I know what all of you freedom-loving wahoos are thinking, "If guns are outlawed, only outlaws will have guns".  That's probably true.  Statistics show that gun crimes have increased in countries where guns are prohibited.  But that's not the point.  The point is that it's time to punish society as a whole, the same way a teacher may punish an entire class because of the misdeeds of a few bad apples.  If the crime rate increases, then that's too bad- it'll just have to be a nasty side effect, punishment for our collective irresponsible behavior. 

And don't try making the argument that you need your precious guns to defend your home and property.  Sorry, Rooster Cogburn, I'm just not buying that- unless you happen to be one of the rare folks whose homestead is regularly under attack by a tribe of blood-thirsty Injuns.  For all the money you spent stockpiling guns and ammo, you just as easily could have invested that money in a state-of-the-art home security system, better locks on your doors, and a large Rottweiler.  And even then you'd probably have enough money left over for tickets to a Jeff Foxworthy show. 

Many of these disturbed mass shooters, like Adam Lanza in Connecticut and Jacob Roberts in Oregon, carry out their deeds wearing bulletproof vests and other body armor.  I'd love to hear a reasonable, practical explanation from a right-wing nutjob as to why you feel that you need body armor.  Have whitetail deer and turkeys begun shooting back?  What's the deal?  The only answer is that Second Amendment proponents have a twisted fetish involving all things gun-related.

Folks, it's time to stop hiding behind the Second Amendment and get real.  Disturbed individuals who shoot up schools don't obtain their weapons on the black market or from a shady character in a back alley.  Most of the time, they obtained these weapons from mommy and daddy, or some other camo-clad redneck survivalist who was too drunk on Pabst Blue Ribbon to properly secure the gun collection. 

Some people, like Seung-Hui Cho- the nut responsible for the 2007 Virginia Tech massacre- purchased their weapons from gun dealers.  I'm not talking about people like that; a nationwide ban on all guns would take care of that problem.  No, I'm talking about folks like Barry Dale Loukaitis, who shot up a middle school in Washington using guns stolen from his redneck father.  Or Luke Woodham, who murdered 2 and injured 7 in Mississippi back in 1997- also with weapons owned by redneck parents.  Columbine shooters Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold obtained their weapons from a redneck girlfriend. Earlier this year in February, T.J Lane killed 3 at a high school in Ohio, using guns stolen from a redneck uncle.  In August, Robert Gladden took a double-barrel shotgun to school and killed a kid in Maryland.  You get where I'm going with this- rednecks simply haven't mastered the skill of keeping their beloved firearms out of the hands of kiddies, and that is why it's time for the government to step in and take their guns away.  


  1. This author obviously does not live in the real world... Look at Chicago. The most strict gun laws in the country! What has this done? Help Chicago have their number of murders with firearms double the number of deaths in afghanistan durring the course of the war in less time. Take our guns away and only the law abiding citizens will be dissarmed. And fucktards like this brilliant author... You are right, only rednecks have/need guns. dumbass. You do know that the guns in your picture that the kids are holding are BB guns purchased at bass pro shop. Are you proposing a ban on BB guns/airsoft as well? It would be nice if people in this country took the time to educate themselves on facts, not ignorant propaganda such as this, before opening their mouths, or keyboards for that matter.


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